Come and Celebrate Hari Raya 2025 with Us!

About Us

"When I think of Mum, I remember the various aromas that wafted from our kitchen – the fragrance of cookies baking in the oven; the smells of festivities early in the mornings. I grew up savouring her countless home-baked goodies, from cookies, love letters, pineapple tarts, mooncakes, to rice dumplings etc. She was no famous chef, just a devoted mother and a loving wife who desired nothing but the best for those she loved. She would generously gift her labours of love to delighted relatives and friends.


When I was old enough to help her in the kitchen, Mum taught me the skills and more importantly, the integrity in baking. The ingredients we used should never be compromised. Gradually but surely, I developed a picky palate."

- 2nd Generation Owner, Fann 


My Mum’s Cookies comes about with the sincere desire to continue Mum’s legacy on authentic home-baked goodness. Standing by her unwavering principles of using only quality ingredients and stringent standards, we strive to bring you the very best in every bite.